
A Spree extension that adds lightbox and zoom-on-hover functionality for product images.

Last updated on: January 18 at 10:13 AM

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owner:  vinzloh

SpreeProductZoom + Hover Zoom

A Spree extension that adds lightbox and zoom-on-hover functionality for product images. The lightbox is powered by fancyBox. Zoom on hover is available thanks to the amazing work done by Drift. Forked from robert-hromej/spree_product_zoom.



Add this extension to your Gemfile:

gem "spree_product_zoom", :git => "git://github.com/vinzloh/spree_product_zoom.git"

Then run:

bundle install


bundle exec rails g spree_product_zoom:install

in order to copy over the required css and js files.

Once installation is complete your product images can be zoomed by clicking on the Zoom In button beneath an image, and hovering over the product image opens a quick preview.


spree_product_zoom has only one configuration option, the paperclip image style to use when zooming in on an image. It defaults to :original.

To change the default style from :original create a file config/initializers/spree_product_zoom.rb with the following content:

Spree::ProductZoom::Config[:default_image_style] = :your_image_style


To change the zoom factor, add the line below to your .js file: SpreeProductHoverZoom.zoomFactor = 1

To change the hover pane height, override the css: .product-hover-zoom { height: 500px; }


This project has been released under the New BSD License, Copyright (c) 2012 John Dyer. Please keep in mind that fancyBox has to be licensed in particular if you want to use this gem in a commercial way. See for more details: http://www.fancyapps.com/fancybox/#license

compatible spree versions
tags spree versions
master ~> 3.1.0
Vinz Loh