
A better Spree PayPal Express Extension.

Last updated on: September 12 at 09:28 AM

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owner:  spree-contrib

Spree PayPal Express

Build Status

This is the official Paypal Express extension for Spree.

Behind-the-scenes, this extension uses PayPal's Merchant Ruby SDK.


  1. Add this extension to your Gemfile with this line:

    gem 'spree_paypal_express', github: 'spree-contrib/better_spree_paypal_express'
  2. Install the gem using Bundler:

    bundle install
  3. Copy & run migrations

    bundle exec rails g spree_paypal_express:install
  4. Restart your server

    If your server was running, restart it so that it can find the assets properly.

Sandbox Setup


Go to PayPal's Developer Website, sign in with your PayPal account, click Applications then Sandbox Accounts and create a new Business account. Once the account is created, click on the triangle next to its email address, then Profile. The API Credentials tab will provide your API credentials (probably). If this tab is blank, try refreshing the page.

You will also need a Personal account to test the transactions on your site. Create this in the same way, finding the account information under Profile as well. You may need to set a password in order to be able to log in to PayPal's sandbox for this user.

Spree Setup

In Spree, go to the admin backend, click Configuration and then Payment Methods and create a new payment method. Select Spree::Gateway::PayPalExpress as the provider, and click Create. Enter the email address, password and signature from the API Credentials tab for the Business account on PayPal.

Production setup


Sign in to PayPal, then click Profile and then (under Account Information on the left), click API Access. On this page, select Option 2 and click View API Signature. The username, password and signature will be displayed on this screen.

If you are unable to find it, then follow PayPal's own documentation.

Spree Setup

Same as sandbox setup, but change Server from sandbox to live.


The PayPal Express Checkout has no less than 4.5 billion configuration options.

This Spree extension supports some of those. If your favourite is not here, then please submit an issue about it, or better still a patch to add it in.

Solution Type

Determines whether or not a user needs a PayPal account to check out.

payment_method.preferred_solution_type = "Mark"
# or
payment_method.preferred_solution_type = "Sole"

Mark if you do want users to have a paypal account, Sole otherwise.

Landing Page

Determines which page to show users once they're redirected to PayPal.

payment_method.preferred_landing_page = "Login"
# or
payment_method.preferred_landing_page = "Billing"

Login will show the users the login form for PayPal, and Billing will show them a form where they can enter their credit card data and possibly sign up for a PayPal account (depending on the Solution Type setting above).


Determines what logo, if any, to display at the top left of the PayPal express checkout:

payment_method.preferred_logourl = ''

Must be an absolute path to the image.


Caveat venditor

Paypal will refuse any order with a zero cost item. Any such item will be skipped and not displayed.

PayPal will also refuse any order where item total (before taxes and shipping costs) is zero. In this case the PayPal checkout page will simply display Current order.


In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project.

Here are some ways you can contribute:

  • by using prerelease versions
  • by reporting bugs
  • by suggesting new features
  • by writing or editing documentation
  • by writing specifications
  • by writing code (no patch is too small: fix typos, add comments, clean up inconsistent whitespace)
  • by refactoring code
  • by resolving issues
  • by reviewing patches

Starting point:

  • Fork the repo
  • Clone your repo
  • Run bundle install
  • Run bundle exec rake test_app to create the test application in spec/dummy
  • Make your changes
  • Ensure specs pass by running bundle exec rspec spec
  • Submit your pull request

Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Spree Commerce and contributors, released under the New BSD License

compatible spree versions
tags spree versions
master >= 3.1.0, < 5.0
Spree Commerce